Thursday, June 5, 2008

Amy to Run the Marathon

Yup That's right! I have decided to run the marathon on Conferance Weekend. I know I am crazy, but I need a goal to get into shape and what better way than to run so hard and so long that I die of exhaustion.

Michael Has Appointment with Neurologist

Michael has had a few seizures, most of them have come with a high fever which are called "febrile seizures" but when David was in the hospital with RSV Michael had a couple without the fever. We met with the doctor and they are sure he has an underlying condition, but they need to get an MRI and EEG for him to confirm it. The EEG is next week in the morning and and we have to keep him up all night with no sugar or caffeine. (yea, like we'd give our little two year old terror caffeine) Good luck to us I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

In Front Of Our House.....

We live by a Shelter and we are always having weirdos in our neighborhood...but it looks to me that one of them turned into a good samaritan!

June, 4 2008

I have been slacking a little bit on the running I have only ran 10 miles this week...two 5 mile runs around the red hill behind my house. I hope to try a little harder each day..

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bath Time with the boys!!

If the slide show stops just click on the X box in the top right hand corner and it will go again.