Friday, April 16, 2010

Finished Product

This is the finished product!!!! It's a Beauty isn't it??? I don't have a very good one of the whole play house....I'll work on it ;)

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Swing Set

Well this month I decided to buy a swing set for a really good deal....problem was I used all of the grocery money and personal money to get it. I thought "Oh well my kids maybe starving but they will have fun on the play set dang it!" It came with no labeling on the 100 pieces of wood so I printed out some labels of each piece of wood and had to measure each piece because there were NO pieces the same! That took me almost 4 hours to do, they are such tards to not LABEL the dang wood! Well Last Saturday I decided to start the task which said on the instruction sheet for two people it should take 12-14 HOURS! FOR THE LOVE!! Needless to say I FINALLY finished on Monday night while it was raining/hailing (I was determined to finish) I could barely see with the water dripping down my forehead and screwing the nails in the wood....but I finished it. Even though some of the wood was ripped apart from the screws, out of complete frustration from the screws being stripped BALD! I built the playhouse backwards (somehow?) and now the slide goes the opposite way it's suppose to, and it's slightly wobbly! But hey! It works and it's somewhat safe....right?

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"Indian Day"

Thursday was Michael's Preschool day to celebrate "Indian Heritage" I dressed Michael in a vest gave him one of my headbands and cut up a turkey centerpiece from Thanksgiving for the feathers. I then put some makeup under his eyes to make him feel like an old school Indian. =) After Michael stared at himself in the mirror and made faces for over ten minutes, I asked him for a picture and told him to cover his mouth like an Indian dancing. He was facing straight forward towards me at the time, he then turns his backside towards me puts his hand over his mouth and starts flapping his eyelashes! He was doing a Marlyn Monroe POSE!! It was HILARIOUS!!! I swear he is one of the funniest kids I know and I have no idea where he learns this stuff from! I didn't get a picture of him in full pose, but there was one of him coming out of the pose.

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