Well this month I decided to buy a swing set for a really good deal....problem was I used all of the grocery money and personal money to get it. I thought "Oh well my kids maybe starving but they will have fun on the play set dang it!" It came with no labeling on the 100 pieces of wood so I printed out some labels of each piece of wood and had to measure each piece because there were NO pieces the same! That took me almost 4 hours to do, they are such tards to not LABEL the dang wood! Well Last Saturday I decided to start the task which said on the instruction sheet for two people it should take 12-14 HOURS! FOR THE LOVE!! Needless to say I FINALLY finished on Monday night while it was raining/hailing (I was determined to finish) I could barely see with the water dripping down my forehead and screwing the nails in the wood....but I finished it. Even though some of the wood was ripped apart from the screws, out of complete frustration from the screws being stripped BALD! I built the playhouse backwards (somehow?) and now the slide goes the opposite way it's suppose to, and it's slightly wobbly! But hey! It works and it's somewhat safe....right?