I also have my final on Monday, which I haven't had time to study for, with the kids being sick and all. If I get a fairly low test score I may still be able to pass, but lets just hope for the best ;)
I'll post some pictures below to show you some of the things we have been up to.
Me and my Prego Belly!
Jason was able to fly an airplane the other day, the plane behind him.
Jason decided to have a BBQ and we were invited! So YUMMY! BBQ's are my absolute favorite!
My Sisters husband Sonner got Baptised....Yaaayyy!
We went for a bike ride the other day, because I was feeling fat and lazy. So, We went and saw Jason's work and to a couple stores and to see some horse's. I forget how out of shape I am with this belly. It was fun the first part all down down down hill, the coming back on the other hand while pulling my two boys in the bike trailer that's another story. I was grunting sweating and pulling all kinds of face expressions going up this HUGE hill. Not to mention trying to hold a conversation with Michael asking what everything was we were slowly passing by. It actually felt amazing, I love the way I feel when I m working out and my muscles are burning, plus we came home and crashed for our afternoon naps.
This picture is David trying to feed the horse an apple at the farm.
The people who own the farm also have a trampoline and little playground, so this is the boys swinging on their swings.
My parents came to town for the week so we went on a hike up Provo Canyon. Here is a picture of the boys with Grama Sapp.
Grampa Sapp and the boys looking a the river below.
Michael riding his bike on Provo Canyon trail.
I decided to join in the fun, check out my HOT underwear!
Michael Posing by a tree along the way.
There was also a little playground off of the trail we stopped at to play. Here is David looking as cute as can be on the toys.