Thursday, February 26, 2009

The First Vision

When I was on my mission it seemed like every time we told the story about Joseph Smith seeing God the Father and Jesus Christ there were always interruptions...a phone rang , dogs started fighting, the doorbell rang, rodents ran across your feet not to mention the infamous child choking or children screaming. It was inevitable to not have a distraction while teaching that most important moment of the restoration of the gospel. I remember always thinking "They are not going to feel the spirit with all these distractions going on, what's the point!" Can you say "Satan, be gone!" Well the other day we had our Home Teachers come and teach us a little lesson, can you guess what it was on? That's right, Joseph Smith's First Vision. The one that was sharing the message is a single man with no kids. He starts teaching and as soon as he does the boys start screaming and running around like they were possessed...or not :), we kept trying to calm them down. All while the Home Teacher keeps teaching the lesson.I felt bad for him because I remember what it was like on my mission. He did a great job, but you can tell he was a little uncomfortable, I'm sure he felt that we weren't listening to him...poor guy. Well, I learned a VERY important lesson that day. I realized that even though my kids were crazy wild, I still felt the spirit strongly as he told the story. Later my husband shared those same feelings. I realized then, that maybe those lessons on my mission were not in vain and I also felt terrible for just assuming they wouldn't feel the spirit. I hope and pray that I didn't jeopardize someone for learning this important message because I didn't have the faith that God could penetrate through the noise and Chaos. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ and I hope that I can share this wonderful message with many more who deserve to hear it, I hope that I will have the courage to help many brothers and sisters know the message that our loving Heavenly Father does love us and has given us a plan -lesson learned

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So yesterday during lunch Michael was falling asleep in the chair and I kept telling him it's time for a nap, he would just look up with this huge cheesy grin and say "Michael Happy!" Finally I just said "Whatever,go outside or go watch cartoons I have to go downstairs!" Well, I finished what I needed to do and I couldn't find Michael anywhere. I looked in his room and he was sound asleep with the blanket pulled up to his neck....soooo cute! He's never done that before, maybe it's the fact that he is getting up every morning at 4:30-5:00am! Then when he got up from his nap, I was getting ready for school and I told him that Kassie will be there soon-the babysitter. He was really excited and he told me "Michael go POO!" I told him to hurry and go. While he was on the toilet the doorbell rings and I hear this scream in the bathroom (Michael LOVES to answer the door) he comes running out as fast as his legs would carry him....with his under ware and pants wrapped around his ankles (I was hoping there was no dingle berries) I just laughed and told him "Michael, go wipe your bum first, I'll wait to answer the door!" He turned around and finished his business and then we answered the door together. It totally reminded me of a Seinfeld episode when George heard the phone ring and came running out of the bathroom in the same way landing on the floor yelling some nonsense about how to answer the phone. LOL Yes... everything that happens in my life I can some way relate it back to Seinfeld. Kid's are so HILLARIOUS!!!