Michael has been really into "Jack and the Beanstalk" lately. Jason tells the boys a story every night and Michael almost always wants this story. When I have put them down at night I have Michael tell the story to me and he pretty much knows this story word for word....so cute.
He is learning his letters in school and this week was the letter "B" the kids are suppose to bring something fun that represents that letter, so I sent him with a container full of beans that said "Magic Beans" on it. Michael was so excited to bring it to class and show all his classmates. When he got home he ran straight to the back and tried planting them (above picture) then he kept running in the house filling up a cup of water running out watering them and kept repeating this watering task over and over again, hoping that they would grow a BIG beanstalk. :)
The joys of the innocent!