This is how a basic "Story Time" is here at the Burr Home:
Jason "Once upon a time"
Michael "Time? What's time?"
Jason "Just listen to the story son...Once upon a time, their was a little boy"
Michael "Little boy? What's he doing?...the little boy?"
Jason "Listen to the story" (with a slight screech to the tone) "There was a little boy named Jack, and Jack was"
Michael "Jack? Was jack sad? Why was Jack sad?"
Jason "No son...Jack wasn't sad...just let me finish the story."
David "Up up and awaaaaaaay!"
Jason " Jack and his mother were very poor so one day his mother asked him to take a cow to the market and exchange it for some money...so Ja"
Michael "Jack was a bad bad boy..he had baad manners"
Jason "Yes son he had bad manners"
David "Up up and awaaay!"
Michael "AAAAhhhhhhh...bbbllblllbbl...aaaaa..aaack!" (with his eyes crossed, tongue sticking out and hands flapping uncontrollably for a full 30 seconds)
Jason "Do you guys want me to finish this story or what?!"
David "Up up and awaaaay!"
Jason "Jack found some beans, climbed up the bean stalk, played with the giant and came back home...The END!"
David "Up up and awaaay!"
Jason (let's out a big sigh while picking up the boys and taking them to their bedroom)
The Boys "Blaaahhh haa haa!!! (with crocodile tears running down their face)
It's Hilarious being a bystander...not so hilarious for my dear dear hubby,he has so much patience!