I was down stairs feeding Bella, when I thought I should go check on my little stinkers....I started walking upstairs and heard my oldest boy Michael say "Mommy's coming up the stairs...HURRY!" I thought to myself that couldn't be a good thing so I stepped my pace up a bit. Michael was standing on the chair putting something back into my purse with baby lotion all over him and I mean all over him....I noticed it was scissors he had and knows he is not suppose to use them. He said "It was an accident I didn't mean to." He had cut up all my coupons and other essential paperwork in my purse. While David found my stash of chocolate carmel Easter eggs...Yes, Easter eggs...and was gorging down on them. I just calmly put them in time out and then sent them to bed...the little stinkers! I can't believe Michael said "Mommy's coming hurry!" Unbelievable!
On a different note...Bellas blessing went well. Thanks to the family members who came and supported us and also helped with the Lunch many thanks!
Here is a picture of Bella in her baby blessing outfit. The same one that I wore when I was blessed as a baby. I need to try and find the picture of me and post it.