I have been having huge issues with my Ilotial Band when I run. It's a sharp pain from my hip down to the outside of knee. Not only while I run but lately while I walk or just sit. I have been iceing it 3 to 4 times every day, stretching and massaging it for 15 to 30 min every morning and night and taking pain reliver with anti inflamatory meds. I have really cut back in my running so it can heal before the marathon but I'm not seeing much of a difference. It really stinks because the marathon is only in 8 DAYS! I will still be running even if it kills me....it will probably take me awhile to run it. When I have been doing my short runs I have to stop every few minutes to stretch because it has been hurting so dang bad!
Well? Wish me luck! Me and my gimp self........