I haven't really wrote much these past few posts, just pasted pictures, so, I decided to add a few words along with pictures this time around.
I have been trying to be a good Mom lately by taking the boys to the Library--oh the joys. Well, the other day Michael was being the evil Michael and he threw this huge fit during reading time; hitting me and yelling, then landed on a baby and mother! I grabbed him and headed towards the doors saying, "Michael is being SO NAUGHTY!" I just kept saying that all the way to the car, the drive home and down to his room. He has been like this lately and it's been a little difficult to handle. The next day we went back to the Library and I told Michael if he was naughty and didn't listen to me again, we would go straight home and to bed, like we did yesterday. He was a very good boy. ;)
We have been having lots of fun up here in Orem, it seems like everyone is leaving the house now that we moved in. :( I tell you my boys are difficult! Emily and Daniel, a young married couple who live here at the house, have had some run-In's with Michael. The other day at 6:00am I thought I heard Daniel say "You scared me!" I didn't know if I was dreaming or not, but I decided to ask him that evening if what I heard was real. He said "Yeah, I was headed back down the stairs, from the gym, and Michael was standing at the bottom in the dark, and he scared me." Then Later he was in his room taking off his sweater, and when he pulled it over his head, Michael was all of a sudden right there, staring at him--again! Emily will open their bedroom door at times, early in the morning, and there he is again saying "Morning!" with a smile, in the dark. She has been a little freaked out and then has to remind herself that it's only Michael, he can't do anything crazy or psycho-- right?

On another note I have been taking the boys to Jason's sisters farm a lot lately; they live 4 blocks from our house, and have a huge farm with: Horses, Donkey, Geese and Cows. They also have a kids playground, a pool and an Apple Orchard -- it's so much fun for them.

Here is a better picture of our back yard--what a view!