Well I came into the hospital yesterday evening around 5:30. I wasn't sure if my water was leaking little by little or if I had really gone down hill and couldn't control any bladder functioning. When I came in they did some strip testing to see if it was amniotic fluid or just pee and sure enough it was amniotic fluid! They started me on the pitocin drip around 7:30 and shortly after (like 10 minutes) they gave me the epidural. They checked me at 9:30and was dilated to a 4, than checked me again at 10:45 and I was a 4 1/2. I was having contractions 1 to 3 minutes apart, of course not feeling a dang thing!
I LOVE YOU Dr. John Bonica who invented the epidural in the 1930's and administered it to his own wife who was in labor at the time. I'm sure she had somethig to do with it too!!! Just wanted to give y'all a SHOUT OUT!!!!
At around 11:15 I could really feel pressure down there and knew I was ready. I could have probably started pushing right then and there and had her on my own.....but decided to wait for the Doctor. 11:20 the Doctor came in to check me and with a surprised expression (being that only half hour ago I was a 4 1/2) she says you're all ready to go! They got me all situated and told me to push and to slow down when they said so that I didn't tear. The next contraction she said to push I pushed really hard for a couple of seconds and she said "Whoah don't push so hard push just a little." While I was telling her the sizes of my boys at birth (because she asked)I was still on my first little push and out she came! I thought NO WAY!!! That was so easy! That was it? Seriously I have had BM's harder than that! I didn't tear or anything!
Well...she is as cute as can be. They needed to put her on Oxygen for a few hours because her levels were low and they were wanting to take serious precautions because of the experience with her older brother David. She also has a huge bruise on her face from coming out so quickly, (or the tramp ;)...our little secret) but it will go away shortly.
She has a head of dark hair like I did when I was born, 8lbs 9 ounces and 18 1/2 inches long.
Proud Daddy!
Proud Mommy!