Okay so we went up to Provo this weekend for my Grandparents "60th" Wedding Anniversary and I decided I wanted to run some of Provo Canyon. I woke up Saturday morning and it was raining outside! I thought Oh well I guess I'm going to have to run in the rain! I started getting dressed in my running clothes and come to find out I FORGOT my Sportsbra! Let me just tell you....... I NEED one of those! So I decided to run to wal-mart and buy a dang bra because I still was determined to go. I got to the mouth of the canyon and started running...well jogging....well I call it jogging some may call it wanabe jogging maybe walking....but anyway I just decided to keep running up the canyon until I got tired and then turn around and it would be down hill. By the time all was said and done I had calculated that I ran around 12 MILES! Yea that's right that was NOT a typo! It was a beautiful run, it had stopped raining halfway up the hill and it was gorgeous...Well now my knees hurt...GO AMY!!!!!!
Simple pleasures
5 days ago