Monday, August 2, 2010

Ran 20 miles Saturday!

I am planning on running "The Top of the Mountain Marathon" in Logan September 18th. I really havent been preparing like I did the St. George Marathon, so I decided to do a very long run! Today I have lost one toenail and another one soon to go. =( It took me 3.5 hours of running and 1 hr of walking/crawling =) I didn't mean to do that many miles I just got lost.....again. I seem to do that alot lately lol!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Isabellas Picure

Here is a picture of Bella, I thought for sure she didn't get any good pictures of her......she was a WIGGLE WORM! Obviously the photographer did well =)

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Pictures of the Boys

The kids got their pictures taken.....this explains the boys personalities more than ANYTHING!! lol

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Sister Missionaries

I came accross this picture of sister Missionaries I served with =) Ahhh the memories!

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Finished Product

This is the finished product!!!! It's a Beauty isn't it??? I don't have a very good one of the whole play house....I'll work on it ;)

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Swing Set

Well this month I decided to buy a swing set for a really good deal....problem was I used all of the grocery money and personal money to get it. I thought "Oh well my kids maybe starving but they will have fun on the play set dang it!" It came with no labeling on the 100 pieces of wood so I printed out some labels of each piece of wood and had to measure each piece because there were NO pieces the same! That took me almost 4 hours to do, they are such tards to not LABEL the dang wood! Well Last Saturday I decided to start the task which said on the instruction sheet for two people it should take 12-14 HOURS! FOR THE LOVE!! Needless to say I FINALLY finished on Monday night while it was raining/hailing (I was determined to finish) I could barely see with the water dripping down my forehead and screwing the nails in the wood....but I finished it. Even though some of the wood was ripped apart from the screws, out of complete frustration from the screws being stripped BALD! I built the playhouse backwards (somehow?) and now the slide goes the opposite way it's suppose to, and it's slightly wobbly! But hey! It works and it's somewhat safe....right?

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"Indian Day"

Thursday was Michael's Preschool day to celebrate "Indian Heritage" I dressed Michael in a vest gave him one of my headbands and cut up a turkey centerpiece from Thanksgiving for the feathers. I then put some makeup under his eyes to make him feel like an old school Indian. =) After Michael stared at himself in the mirror and made faces for over ten minutes, I asked him for a picture and told him to cover his mouth like an Indian dancing. He was facing straight forward towards me at the time, he then turns his backside towards me puts his hand over his mouth and starts flapping his eyelashes! He was doing a Marlyn Monroe POSE!! It was HILARIOUS!!! I swear he is one of the funniest kids I know and I have no idea where he learns this stuff from! I didn't get a picture of him in full pose, but there was one of him coming out of the pose.

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Family Home Evening Time

Last Family Home Evening Jason decided to talk about the importance of Temples (that his sister Anne so lovingly prepared) Well the lesson went GREAT and the boys LOVED it. Then we decided to sing the song "I Love To See The Temple". Jason and I started singing and it was almost like a trigger for the boys to act CRAZY, below is an enactment of how it went:

Jason and I singing while staring at each other: "I Love to see the Temple, I'm going there somedaaaay"

Michael and David get up and start running circles around Jason and in front of me.

Jason and I singing still staring in each others eyes: "To feeel the Holy Spiriiit to listen and to Praaayy"

Michael and David smack head on into each other, fall to the ground and start screaming uncontrollably.

Jason and I still singing slightly glancing at the boys then returning our gaze: "For the Temple is a House of God a place of Love and Beautyyyyy"

Michael and David still on the floor in fetal positions crying.

Jason and I finish singing still staring with slight smiles: I'll prepare myself while I am young...this issss my sacred dutyyyy"

The boys get up and start running.....again.

I know someday they will come up to us when they are grown and say "Mom and Dad? I am sure glad that we had Family Home Evening despite the chaos....we sure learned many things even if we were passed out with concussions during 80% of them ;).....happy thoughts...happy thoughts!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Michaels 4!

Michael's Birthday was today, last night I blew up 100 balloons and filled up the living room with them.

I made him a hat to wear to Preschool with some cupcakes for his cute =)

We went to McDonald's at lunch to play on the toys and eat some Chicken Nuggets and Fries. We then came home and watched "Princess and the Frog" 4 times (Michael's Birthday request) It was good the 1st and 2ND but then starting getting old the 3rd and 4Th, I finally set the limit at 4 I couldn't handle watching it anymore.

Michael wanted Mac and Cheese for dinner(easy enough), then we had cake and ice cream afterward. We also went to DI so David could pick out some toys of his own, he was feeling left out.

When we came home from our favorite store DI, Michael opened his Birthday presents.

Don't you just LOVE the wrapping job? =) Trash convenient!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Story Time"

This is how a basic "Story Time" is here at the Burr Home:

Jason "Once upon a time"

Michael "Time? What's time?"

Jason "Just listen to the story son...Once upon a time, their was a little boy"

Michael "Little boy? What's he doing?...the little boy?"

Jason "Listen to the story" (with a slight screech to the tone) "There was a little boy named Jack, and Jack was"

Michael "Jack? Was jack sad? Why was Jack sad?"

Jason "No son...Jack wasn't sad...just let me finish the story."

David "Up up and awaaaaaaay!"

Jason " Jack and his mother were very poor so one day his mother asked him to take a cow to the market and exchange it for some Ja"

Michael "Jack was a bad bad boy..he had baad manners"

Jason "Yes son he had bad manners"

David "Up up and awaaay!"

Michael "AAAAhhhhhhh...bbbllblllbbl...aaaaa..aaack!" (with his eyes crossed, tongue sticking out and hands flapping uncontrollably for a full 30 seconds)

Jason "Do you guys want me to finish this story or what?!"

David "Up up and awaaaay!"

Jason "Jack found some beans, climbed up the bean stalk, played with the giant and came back home...The END!"

David "Up up and awaaay!"

Jason (let's out a big sigh while picking up the boys and taking them to their bedroom)

The Boys "Blaaahhh haa haa!!! (with crocodile tears running down their face)

It's Hilarious being a bystander...not so hilarious for my dear dear hubby,he has so much patience!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentines Day Flowers!!!

Enough said!!!! XOXOXO =)

Trip to St. George

We decided to head down to St. George for the weekend. My Dad has some work back east in Pennsylvania. He will be gone for 6 months so we wanted to see him before he left. We also decided to go up to the "Red Hill" while we were there, here are some pics =)

Jason and the boys

Dyamond (my nephew)

David looking all cute

Sonner (brother in law)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Song NOT for Sacrament!

In sacrament meeting today we were sitting in the cultural hall (because we were late) in consequence every noise you made had an echo. They were passing the bread and it was obviously a quiet time in sacrament, David was sitting with Jason and Michael was sitting on my lap. Suddenly Michael belts out the song "I am Ironman" by the 70's group Black Sabbath, I quickly said to Michael sing "I am a Child of God" he just looks at me and says "NO....I am Ironman Da Duh Da Duh Da Dah Dah Da Da Da" Then I start singing I am a Child of God and he stopped. A few minutes later I then took him to the bathroom and told him I would be waiting outside. As he was in their going number two again I hear the previous song above echoing through the restroom. Which by the way was just right by the foyer and everyone sitting in there could hear him. Just for the record...the only reason why he knows that song is because he has a pair of Ironman Pj's and every time he wears them we all sing "I am Ironman"