I was outside washing our car in the backyard with the boys, and Michael comes out of the house (I thought he was in his playhouse) looking like this? I threw the sponge down and ran him to the kitchen trying to clean him up. He wasn't crying or anything and I kept asking him "how did you get this owey"? He didn't know what I was talking about, it didn't hurt him or anything? He was acting like nothing happened? I looked everywhere trying to find out how he did this....couldn't find it for the life of me. Later that day while I had someone over (I was selling the car) we were signing paper titles... I look down and David is chewing on a RAZOR!! I grabbed the razor and put it up where he couldn't get it, finished selling our car and went into the bathroom where I saw some blood. I guess Michael had taken it out of the garbage can and was chewing on it....that is how he got this nasty cut... I swear? These boys are always keeping me on my toes! (Well the toys that actually have toenails)