So Halloween is coming up quickly....I m thinking I'll have Jason dress up as a Mamogram Machine and I will wear a sign that says "Repeat Customer" ;) That should be appropriate enough for the Church Halloween party....right?
Jason left early this morning and will be working in Vegas all week long :( I will miss him......Our "NEW" Car is still getting worked on, so I need to figure out other options to get around. We also may have some interesting news coming SOON. I will have to talk to Jason tonight and get the details then I will let y'all know.......du du duuuuuuhhh!
Married 10 years to our sweet hearts (eachother) We have 3 wonderful little boys Michael (6) David (5) and our baby boy Elijah (1) We also have a precious girl Bella (3) We dont want to leave out our cute boxer pup Buster.
Is an AMAZING husband and Father. He interprets ASL at the UVU and his favorite thing in life... "I like making out"
Is a stay at home mom and a part time student who keeps getting crazier and crazier, favorite thing in life....Quiet Time!
Likes to play rough and love hard. He loves to cook with his mom and eat it all up, and loves running around naked.(sometimes at the same time) When asked what his favorite thing in life was? (he replied).....ICECREAM!
is a very loving guy. He always wantst to do whats right and is very technical about it. He has brought laughter to me everyday. :)
is still my baby girl. She is happy, beautiful loves life and most definetly LOVES Peanut Butter and Honey crust. :)
Is my final little guy. He is such a sweet little man who LOVES to play with anyone!! Just look at that face.
Puts up with alot from two crazy boys! Getting his ears pulled on, crawled all over, stepped on, hair colored, kissed, hugged and loved...I think he absolutly loves the attention. When asked what his favorite thing in life is....well he's asleep and won't answer..