I just got back from St. George for the New Year, it was so nice that I was able to walk outside without two layers of clothes snow pants and snow boots-I miss that. We went down to finish packing up our house, it is now officially empty-bummer. Jason took two trips with my dads trailer up to Orem to get all of our stuff back up here, what a good man to do that in a day. My dad went up with him the 2nd time so Jason didnt have to drive back, my dad drove the truck back down to St. George. I really miss my family support in St. George, babysitters 24/7 if need be, I was very blessed down there with that. On the other hand I will be starting College on Wednesday, 11 credits! I think I may have put on too much school work, I'll give it two weeks and see if I need to drop any classes, Im taking Math, Biology and Writing.
The boys are doing GREAT! Michael is in the pushing, strangeling, jumping and punching little brother, but David takes it pretty well he will be one tough cookie when he gets bigger.
Im feeling sick as sick can be still, it takes everything I have to not PUKE or to just get out of bed in the morning....YUCK!
Jason is doing fine with his job, he has a few frustrations, but who doesn't in the work place. I have decided its DANG hard to be a good mom, but I would much rather take motherhood over the workplace ANY DAY-mainly because of the drama.
Simple pleasures
5 days ago