My boys saying there morning prayers before heading off to school and Daddy to work.
(Michael insisted on wearing his church tie)
Michael heading off to the park with his inner tube water.. he just insisted again! Notice he is still wearing his seat belt, although I did manage to forget his helmet, he doesn't like wearing his helmet in the keeps him from licking the windows.;) (that's for you Nicole)
Michael LOVES holding and burping Bella...he is so good with her.
David also LOVES holding Bella, he is always asking to hold her. We just have to keep him from poking her eyeballs and sticking his fingers in her mouth....we all know where two year old fingers have been....YUCKY!
Bella sleeping while I am doing my homework. Thank GOODNESS Finals are over! I was taking her to class with me everyday and at times she had a hard time, in general though she did awesome!
We were out in the back yard and noticed a spider bite David in the face and buster in the lip...(I think Buster was trying to teach the spider a lesson for biting David) Anyway this was the outcome of Buster, notice on the right side is where he was's like twice the size of his other lip, and this photo doesn't do it justice! It was HUGE! We ended up giving him Benadryl because we were afraid his throat would close up. It worked like a charm...he was OUT! It reminds me of a story on my mission..instead of a spider bite a hornet flew in my mouth...wile I was riding my bike in a skirt.....oh the HORROR!!!!
Jason's mother Yvonne and step Father Buckley...just chilling on our swing in the front yard. I LOVE this picture! These are some good people!