Jason’s side of the family has a “Family Home Evening” one Sunday every month with all of the family that lives around us and some that live far away. Tonight was one of those Sundays that we meet for this special occasion. What we do is sing songs like “The itsy bitsy spider”, “Patty Cake” and “Up up in the sky” mainly children’s songs and then a hymn and prayer. After the prayer we go around to everyone with any announcements and talents that they may have. Michael kept asking to speak, but we had to keep telling him that it wasn’t his turn quite yet and that we would let him know when it was. Finally after waiting which seems like forever it was Michaels turn to speak. He looks up at me with a HUGE smile and wasn’t saying anything. I told him that he had waited this long he had better say something, so he starts out with some hand movements and some kind of gibberish. Then he goes into something about David and how he was being naughty and he says “No David! He no listen! You no listen you get spanken! David NO!” Then he puts his hand up like he is holding something and taking his other hand to act like he is spanking David over and over while saying” I spank you! I spank you bad David!” I couldn’t believe THAT was the talent of my firstborn and that we had waited so long for him to tell….what a proud moment for me and any mother for that matter! Poor poor David…….