Last Family Home Evening Jason decided to talk about the importance of Temples (that his sister Anne so lovingly prepared) Well the lesson went GREAT and the boys LOVED it. Then we decided to sing the song "I Love To See The Temple". Jason and I started singing and it was almost like a trigger for the boys to act CRAZY, below is an enactment of how it went:
Jason and I singing while staring at each other: "I Love to see the Temple, I'm going there somedaaaay"
Michael and David get up and start running circles around Jason and in front of me.
Jason and I singing still staring in each others eyes: "To feeel the Holy Spiriiit to listen and to Praaayy"
Michael and David smack head on into each other, fall to the ground and start screaming uncontrollably.
Jason and I still singing slightly glancing at the boys then returning our gaze: "For the Temple is a House of God a place of Love and Beautyyyyy"
Michael and David still on the floor in fetal positions crying.
Jason and I finish singing still staring with slight smiles: I'll prepare myself while I am young...this issss my sacred dutyyyy"
The boys get up and start running.....again.
I know someday they will come up to us when they are grown and say "Mom and Dad? I am sure glad that we had Family Home Evening despite the chaos....we sure learned many things even if we were passed out with concussions during 80% of them ;).....happy thoughts...happy thoughts!