We're driving back up to Orem from St. George Friday night from packing up most of our belongings. I'm driving and Jason was in the passenger seat with the kids in the back. All of a sudden I hit this NASTY road kill and I think the sucker stuck to the bottom of the car, because the smell stayed for awhile. Right after I hit it this is the conversation between Jason and I...
Jason: "Did you just PASS GAS?!"
Me:(turning to look at him in quite disgust) "NO, I just ran over road kill!"
Jason: "Whatever!"
Me:"Mine do NOT smell like ROAD KILL!"
Jason: (While holding his shirt up over his nose ) "UUUHH Man that stinks, and YES yours DO!"
Me:"Mine smell like roses or a mid summers breeze, NOT Roadkill! Your's smell like road kill"
Jason: (mumbling under his breath)"Whatever"
Me: (mumbling under mine)"Whatever"
As we continue driving in the night.....
Oh the Joys of being married, no holding back sharing every little detail moment and smell with each other. It is a relationship I thought I 'd never have, but am so excited to have it!
Simple pleasures
5 days ago
Haha! I love you!
Love it!! hahahahaha!
I am laughing so hard right now!
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