I was at Primary Children's Hospital all Day Yesterday in the PICU with my friend and her girl. Her 4 month old girl had a rare heart condition that was about to take her life. The hospital in St. George life flighted her to Primary and operated on her yesterday morning. It was a slim chance she would survive this operation, but it was either this or she would pass away within a couple of days. As I walked into the hospital it brought back so many memories of when David was in the hospital less than a year ago for heart surgery. I new exactly where to go for the surgery waiting room it was like I had never left. Every step in the process of the hospital experience that I shared with my friend yesterday, felt like it was David all over again. The operation took a little over 3 hours and we were able to see the little girl within 4 hours from the beginning. The Doctor said she did well and that the heart looks like it took the operation well. Before the surgery the doctors gave the little one a Priesthood blessing (another testament to me of the truthfulness of the gospel) they mentioned that she would live through the surgery and that her mom would be comforted. Again, it brought me back to David when he received his blessing and he was told he would live, it brought me so much peace and comfort through the whole ordeal. I mentioned to my friend that now we can relax, the Lord will take over and keep his promise. We went into the PICU to see her and she looked like little David. This whole experience brought waves of emotions to me, I remember I had to be strong as Davids mother, but all I wanted to do was crawl up in a fetal position and bawl. I thought about how alone I felt, and that although my brother, mom and husband were there, I felt that we had no family support up here. In St.George we had so much support from our ward and families there , but with all the family we had up north it was like they didn't even care. No calls, no visits nothing, I remember thinking "Yeah sure they had lives, but my baby is dying and no one that lives close cares". It may be a little dramatic, but those never being in the situation wouldn't understand. That's why I felt that I HAD to be there for my friend, the only family she has was members of the ward back in St. George. Her blood relatives were not apart of her life. There also was another lady there that had flown up to be with her from St. George, my old neighbor, whom is supportive in every way..I LOVE HER. Like I said support from St. George was amazing both for me and my friend. It was nice for my friend to have me there, someone who had been through this same thing before. Letting her know different things, like what the tubes and wires are for, the drugs she is being given and more things to expect later. I m sure the nurses were just so happy about that. She did have the same nurse David had so that was neat. I know the little girl will do just fine, it's amazing how the Lord works and blesses our lives.
David at Primary Childrens
oh that poor little baby! I think it is so sweet that the doctors gave her a blessing. The sweet little baby and her mom will be in our prayers.
Very touching post! And very sweet of you to be with her, I am positive it helped to have you there. It was good to see/talk to you the other day!
That is soo cool that you are there for her with what she is going through.I thought about you and David when I first met little Felicity and everything You went through. How are you doing? I missed you last weekend. How is your Pregnancy going?
Isn't it amazing how we are blessed to go through difficult trials and then take what we have learned and give support to others.
I hope Felicity recovers and that your David continues to do well.
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