Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Blog!

Okay I have a new blog specifically for my grocery savings. I'm excited about this new way of shopping and I want to keep track of the things I get. If you're interested take a look!


The Grantham Family said...

I WANT to be more like you soooo bad! I pay full price everywhere I go and always get ripped off! Thanks for creating this blog so I can see all your $$$ saving tips!

So good to catch up with you! You have a darling family...your boys are honeys!! 3 just might push you over the edge...we are prego with our 3rd too and I am totally nervous!!

Hillary Redd said...

Love that you remember calling me hubcap, that always made me crack up. Your family is adorable and so are you what the heck. I saw you at the gym a couple of times awhile ago, wasn't sure if you remembered me or not. Plus I am not always recognizable at the gym with no makeup and bedhead ya know. Anyways good to keep in touch.

Justin, Kelli, Estin & Eli said...

Wow Amy!!!
How do you do it?!!! We'll be officially out of debt as of next month!!! YEA!!!! I would LOVE to build up our food storage! Get me started!!!