The picture above is how I feel...EXHAUSTED!!
The picture below with the room completely destroyed......not only did he do it again but he did it twice!! Oh and by the way wrote all over the WALLS!!! I don't know what to do with that kid, every time we discipline him he just has a little smirk on his face and says "I no do it again" Yea right little man whatever!!! We had a great family home evening about destroying property and writing on walls tonight, which I thought went very well. We then put him down to bed and within 5 minutes he finds a crayon and is drawing all over inside of the CLOSET!! I finally told him that if he even thinks of picking up a crayon and uses it any other way than directed by me he would get a SERIOUS woopen!!! I said "And none of this small little spankens, I mean full on take my belt off pull down your drawers and get a GOOD WOOPEN!!!" We shall see if that threat really works, but I have officially ran out of ideas to teach that little heathen to not drive me crazy! I have really really tried to discipline him in a loving way that I know Father in Heaven would rather me do...but my teeth are ground down to stubbies and my hair is officially falling OUT! By the way we completely took his entire bed out of his room...he is now sleeping with a blanket and pillow on the corner floor of his bedroom! Oh and this was all after him smearing dog poop on the tramp a few days before!! Serenity now!!!
I'm sure I will look back on this in the future and get a good chuckle......way in the future.
1 comment:
Hey, I'm no expert but what about giving him tons of building and drawing alternatives. I know space is limited but how about lots of blocks that he can knock down (the cardboard bricks)-and a Big roll of paper you can tack up in the garage that he can draw on. Lots of praise for things that he does well and maybe he's even old enough to have an incentive chart--so many destruction free days equals a coveted toy, etc. I don't really know, but it sounds super frustrating. He's 3 right? Soon he'll be four. It gets better then.
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