Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Still Alive

I went to my doctor the other day to get an ultrasound, and to see if my hemorrhage has cleared up or not. We saw the baby :) so this means I'm really pregnant. ;) The hemorrhage was still there, it hasn't grown at all but on the other hand it hasn't gotten smaller either. I'm really not sure what to think about that, I just TRY and take it a little more easier than I normally do. The baby is growing and doing fine, and that's all that I really care about.

School is going..... I am having the hardest time with my Math. I didn't think I would have such a hard time with it. I probably spend a good 10 hours a week JUST on my Math trying to figure things out. Plus I have this dang pregnancy brain, that doesn't help at all. ;) I really am enjoying it though, I feel like I am accomplishing something other than being a mother.


Nicole said...

Oh so cute! It's so real now! I don't think youare suppose to be doing as much as you are! Even if you are taking it a bit easier! You are still on the go nonstop! You better be careful little lady!

Erika said...

Wow! Exciting!... the baby anyway, not the hemorrhage. Take it easy! I'm excited to see what it is! Good luck with school! Pregnancy brain is no help I am sure!!!