They start selling it before Valentines Day, and I have to tell myself "Don't even think about buying that Easter Candy it's not even Valentines Day yet"!It's only a certain type of candy I struggle with.....the big whopper kind. When I worked at Costco they would have the HUGE 5 lb bag and yes people I would have 1 HUGE bag a week until they stopped selling them! Well Yesterday I bought two normal size bags for me and the kids, because they wanted some and I gave in to their cries. When we got in the car I gave them one piece and me one and so on for about 5 minutes. Then I said okay that's enough candy for you boys, no more....as I continued to pop more into my mouth. Needless to say that's all the boys had of that candy and that night both bags were gone! I can't help it! I'm an addict for whopper eggs! I have NO control! Does anybody know if they have group meetings for this problem?
I'm already expecting to gain tons of weight with this pregnancy (10 pounds up already), mainly because I was a terrible eater with Michael gained 80 pounds and he was healthy as a horse, with David I was very restrictive of junk food and worked out like a champ still gaining 40 lbs, and David had heart issues. I figure it doesn't matter what I eat for a healthy baby...might as well live it up!! I am currently salivating for more whopper eggs, I will have to make a special trip to the store today for milk... wink wink.

I have the same problem with homemade (well out of a box) cupcakes with buttercream frosting. But my problem is that its available all year round! :) I will be sure and mail you some whopper eggs :)
MMM. . .I'm currently on a Dunkin' Doughnut Kick. Yep, I ate 3 in 1 sitting and I'm not ashamed. I'll regret it when I'm trying to get it off, but it's not going to stop me from doing it again! I garuntee it! Haha!
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