I have decided once again to run another marathon. =) Of course I decided to run it 8 weeks before the race. Oh did I mention I haven’t been training. Yes, I really want to push my body to its limits before I am 35, because we all know after 35 everything is down hill from there. (literally)=)
School has been time consuming this semester and I have felt at times very overwhelmed with it. Speaking with Jason we have decided it would be best for me and the kids if I hold off on my education until they are all in school. It was definitely a bitter sweet decision. I really wanted to go to BYU this year, but I miss the kids when I am gone and feel staying home is the best. I figure I can always work on my education when the kids are older.
Jason and I are teaching the 13 year old Sunday School in church. We enjoy it. =) It’s nice to be able to teach the youth, yet still be able to attend Relief society and Priesthood meetings. Oh ya, and this is the first time in 6 years I have not had to lug around a child through all three meetings and or not be pregnant!! Yeeehaaawww!!
Jason quit his job at UVU and was hired on at BYU doing basically the same thing, interpreting sign language. Currently it has been very slow there so he has been a little bored. It is a much slower pace at BYU verses UVU, with only six deaf clients at his current job verses forty deaf clients at his old job. The absolute best thing about his new job is the environment. He is surrounded with people that have high values and great work ethics, plus many spiritual and uplifting seminars and conferences.
Oh yes, another bonus to his current job is that he had the opportunity to interpret some of General Conference. You know the person in the corner of the television who flaps their hands all over the place? =) Yup, one of those weirdo’s was my handsome husband.
Michael is the same crazy child as usual, saying the same crazy stuff he always does. Keeping me on my toes, he continues to make me laugh, cry, scream, and fall to the ground curling up into a fetal position. I can’t believe he will be in kindergarten this year!
David seems to be moving right a long. His teacher is always commenting on how the other mothers think he looks like a mini brad pit. I do have to say so myself, he is quite the cutie pie. The poor little man is still smaller than the average 3 year old and he knows it too. We never comment on his size, so for him to figure out he is smaller than others his age, shows just how bright he is. He always says, “Mom? I wish Bella would stop growing and I could grow tall, tall, tall!” Bella is almost his size, or “Mom? I wish I would just grow.” =( poor little man. On another note his heart is still doing great. It’s time for his checkup so we shall see how he continues to do shortly =)
Bella, Bella, Bella. She is so dang cute! She is definitely spoiled and she knows it. I try so hard not to spoil that child, but seriously I just can’t help it. She plays well with both of her brothers. They love her so much and absolutely love to play with her and teach her new things. Oh and also her brothers LOVE to get her into trouble by trying to teach her naughty things too. She signs many sign and signs them well. It’s funny to see the difference between her brothers in regards to signing verses her. Her brothers would sign things that would kind of look like the sign but not quite. If you would correct them they would give you a face expression like as if to say, “You know what I am trying to say, I don’t need to sign it perfect.” Bella on the other hand gets this determination in her eyes that she WILL sign it right and you’d better teach her. =)
Things are going quite well aside from the many little mishaps we are so blessed to have in our lives. In general though? Life ROCKS! ;) What doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger…..right?
Simple pleasures
6 days ago
You are awesome and amazing and you continue to inspire me everytime I read something about your family or hear from yoU! I love you and your little family to death! You are quite the rockstar and I give you props for how much you push yourself! Good luck on your marathon!
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