Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Michael Christmas present to me.

Michael has the most AMAZING preschool teacher EVER!! For Christmas She and Michael made me this calender.... ADORABLE!!

Each Month had a different picture of Michael =)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Another Blog?

I'm starting a new Blog about thoughts of my children and about life, if you are interested in reading it let me know, here is a sample;

At times it's really hard to be a Mom to three very young children....but at the same time I look into their eyes and see the innocence, love and pure trust that I would hope to have some day. I love my kids and feel the Saviors love through their eyes each and every day.
I wish that I could throw out the things in life that don't really matter to me or my family and focus truly and wholeheartedly on my husband and children. Where do I start? How can I stay focused? What kind of mom can I truly become? Who will my children become if I take those steps?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's been a while since I wrote! No excuse just a crazy life! Finals are coming up and my mind is NOT ready for it. The kids have been sick, Michael getting over two ear infections and David had some crazy bacterial eye infection, plus the usual swine flu and colds.
We had family up for Thanksgiving and it was so much fun to have half of them stay with us, I sure miss the family =)

Grampa Sapp with Isabella and Bear (summers boy)

Isabella and her mommy =)

All the grandkids Thanksgiving Day.

and finally me....watching the kids...yup this is how it's done, don't they look safe? =)

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Ward Halloween Party "Scripture Power"
Theme was to dress up as a scripture character.

There were many more cute little activities for the kids these were just two of them. The pumpkins were center peices for the tables.

Jason as Lehi and David as Nephi for the Halloween Party. Michael kept calling Jason "Prophet" he would say "Hey Prophet, come here" "Hey Prophet, are you going to eat that?" etc. it was cute

Michael "The Tempest" (Storm)

He made sure everyone called him "Storm" not Michael.

David as "Batman"

A neighbor friend had a Halloween party for the kids and Michael was sick, so it was just David that could go and he dressed up as "Batman"

Friday, October 30, 2009

Jack And The Bean Stalk

Michael has been really into "Jack and the Beanstalk" lately. Jason tells the boys a story every night and Michael almost always wants this story. When I have put them down at night I have Michael tell the story to me and he pretty much knows this story word for cute.

He is learning his letters in school and this week was the letter "B" the kids are suppose to bring something fun that represents that letter, so I sent him with a container full of beans that said "Magic Beans" on it. Michael was so excited to bring it to class and show all his classmates. When he got home he ran straight to the back and tried planting them (above picture) then he kept running in the house filling up a cup of water running out watering them and kept repeating this watering task over and over again, hoping that they would grow a BIG beanstalk. :)

The joys of the innocent!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Daily Prayers

So this is how our normal Daily Family Prayers go:

Daddy: "David it's your turn to say the prayer"

David: "Dear Heavly Father....bless day, Mommy, Daddy, Michael, Bella, Buster, Mommy,Mommy, Mommy, Daddy, Mommy, Bella, Daddy, Daddy, Michael.....Fishies

Michael: " Jesus Christ AMEN!!"

David: "Mommy, Daddy, Fishies Soap, no Monsters, sleep good, take bath, no Monsters, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, tramp outside, buster, bugs, bath, food......

Michael: "Say Jesus Christ Amen!"

David: "Jesus Christ, Michael, Bella, Kent, Becka tramp, shoes, Buster, Mommy.....

Daddy: Whispering in Davids ear "In the name of Jesus Christ"

David: "Name Jesus Christ AAMMEN!"

Michael: "My TURN! Heavly Father....Bless Food upstairs, name Jesus Christ AAMEN!"

Two totally different personalities, and this is seriously our every day prayers! It's Hilarious!

Monday, October 19, 2009

This Past Week.


This was Bella at her 2 month Check up she weighed 12lbs 9 ounces Height was 22 1/2 inches long, which puts her in the 75% She was so happy like this until the mean nurses stabbed her with a NEEDLE!! ;)

Bella and her Daddy

Bella LOVES sleeping on her Daddy, her Daddy LOVES it too!

My Roses!

Jason was a Sweet Heart and brought home some BEAUTIFUL roses on Thursday! That's right ladies he's ALL MINE!

My Garden

I picked some squash, zucchini and a green pumpkin on Saturday. I hope will turn the right color before Halloween. ( I thought was a watermelon so I picked it)

Friday, October 16, 2009

A Bowl Full Of Jelly.....

Does it make it right for a little boy to come into your room at night, get under the covers and shake your belly uncontrollably because it looks like a bowl full of jelly and oohhh so much fun???? Well, if it's right or wrong it happened......time for a serious diet!!!

Side Note......The fish are still ALIVE!!! Michaels prayer worked! :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's a New Day!!!

I was downstairs feeding Bella.....which is when things always happen! I notice that the boys are acting very quiet...I decide to go upstairs to see what they are up to. When I make it to the top of the stairs I notice Becca (a girl who has a room upstairs) her bathroom light is on with the door shut and little giggly voices echoing through the door. "Oh Crap" I say out loud and run to the door. When I opened it David and Michael are sitting on the sink with "Oh no, I've been caught" looks on their face. Becca has two Innocent Beta fish on her bathroom counter (she got after her dog Jax disappeared) and the boys had put a jelly candle and a bar of soap in their fish bowl. I don't know how they managed to trap the fish in the glass candle with a little piece of soap trapped with it upside down....but they did. I told them to go sit in time out while I cleaned up the poor little sparkling clean fish. While I was cleaning the bowl out and the rocks off, I was telling Michael and David how disappointed I was in them and that the fish will probably die..."I can't believe you tried to kill Beccas fish" I said. When i was done I went and sat down by them and explained that soap will kill fish....and that those fish are Beccas only friends after Jax ran away and that she will be so sad if her two best friends died. Michael felt bad, at least his his face expression seemed to look that way...David was clueless. I told him that he better go downstairs and pray to Heavenly Father and ask him to save those little fishies, so Becca doesn't cry. He went downstairs with David following and me behind David. Michael went in his room, kneeled on the floor and started to say a prayer "Healy Faver, peas bless fish...they no die....Becca no Jesus Christ AAAMMMEEN!

It was actually cute.....

The sign was later added to protect the little Betas...Neil and Coral.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Michael Did it Again!!!

The picture above is how I feel...EXHAUSTED!!
The picture below with the room completely destroyed......not only did he do it again but he did it twice!! Oh and by the way wrote all over the WALLS!!! I don't know what to do with that kid, every time we discipline him he just has a little smirk on his face and says "I no do it again" Yea right little man whatever!!! We had a great family home evening about destroying property and writing on walls tonight, which I thought went very well. We then put him down to bed and within 5 minutes he finds a crayon and is drawing all over inside of the CLOSET!! I finally told him that if he even thinks of picking up a crayon and uses it any other way than directed by me he would get a SERIOUS woopen!!! I said "And none of this small little spankens, I mean full on take my belt off pull down your drawers and get a GOOD WOOPEN!!!" We shall see if that threat really works, but I have officially ran out of ideas to teach that little heathen to not drive me crazy! I have really really tried to discipline him in a loving way that I know Father in Heaven would rather me do...but my teeth are ground down to stubbies and my hair is officially falling OUT! By the way we completely took his entire bed out of his room...he is now sleeping with a blanket and pillow on the corner floor of his bedroom! Oh and this was all after him smearing dog poop on the tramp a few days before!! Serenity now!!!
I'm sure I will look back on this in the future and get a good chuckle......way in the future.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Many Different Styles..

These are the many hairstyles I have had in the past 5 years!!!

I know there were more...but this should be good ;)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Today we are all feeling a little sick, Michael had to stay home from preschool and we just cuddled in our bed for an hour this morning. Well I happened to fall asleep while cuddling with my two angel boys and I woke up to this:

David was standing on the bed with NO diaper and the room smelled like POO! Michael was standing on the back of the chest of drawers banging on them with one of the peices to the bed!

This is how the room is suppose to look. (on a good day)

So much for cuddling with my two angels! No angel could do something like this!

Oh and by the way I didn't find the dirty diaper????????!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Missionary Reunion

I went to my Missionary Reunion on Friday night. It was fun to see old companions and President and Sister Sheffeild (my mission President and his wife). They will always hold a special place in my heart as my "Mission Parents".
Now, everyone one looks fantastic in this picture....except Bella! I don't know what kind of face expression she was trying to pull! She really is allot cuter than that!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Michael and School

Michael has LOVED going to school and learning from his teacher Miss Merlene. The other Day they had a Police officer a Firefighter a Baker and a Doctor come by and teach them what they do.

Then they drew pictures and other crafty this police officer hat and picture on a stick. :)

He comes home everytime he goes to school SO EXCITED to have been there. She says the first day she thought "Oh, we have one of those boys in our class" but then he calmed down and got with the schedule. She says he is very eager to learn and always asks questions.

Also the other day I went to pick him up and a little boy says "Are you Tommy's Mom?" I said "No, Michael" He said "Michael is so MEAN to me!" and started running towards his mother.....I thought "Oh great Im the mother of one of THOSE kids!"

It's been a great break for me! I drop Michael off and take David and Bella to the gym to work out....:) I LOVE YOU MISS MERLENE!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sneeky Little BUGGERES!!!

I was down stairs feeding Bella, when I thought I should go check on my little stinkers....I started walking upstairs and heard my oldest boy Michael say "Mommy's coming up the stairs...HURRY!" I thought to myself that couldn't be a good thing so I stepped my pace up a bit. Michael was standing on the chair putting something back into my purse with baby lotion all over him and I mean all over him....I noticed it was scissors he had and knows he is not suppose to use them. He said "It was an accident I didn't mean to." He had cut up all my coupons and other essential paperwork in my purse. While David found my stash of chocolate carmel Easter eggs...Yes, Easter eggs...and was gorging down on them. I just calmly put them in time out and then sent them to bed...the little stinkers! I can't believe Michael said "Mommy's coming hurry!" Unbelievable!

On a different note...Bellas blessing went well. Thanks to the family members who came and supported us and also helped with the Lunch many thanks!

Here is a picture of Bella in her baby blessing outfit. The same one that I wore when I was blessed as a baby. I need to try and find the picture of me and post it.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pre School, Park Blowouts, and a Shiner!

Michael started Pre School this week and LOVES it! His teachers name is Miss Merlene and this was one of his projects the second day of Pre School.
It's suppose to be a minnie Michael....I thing the face kind of looks the the masks on the movie "Scream"! I think I either have an artist on board or a psycho path! I hope he's an artist.....

I took David to a baby blessing today and they had their get together at the park after. Here is a couple pictures of David on the play set, afterwards he had a little blow out and the only diapers I had was Bellas newborn diapers (which she is already grown out of) David was so generous to model them for me after I put one on him. It's a good thing he doesn't get his bum from me or otherwise they would have never fit! I feel like we should be walking down a beach somewhere...can you say speedo!

This is Bella before church in her cute velvet red dress, she later had a blowout to at the park and had to run around naked in the same size of diaper her older brother was wearing.

The boys are having fun in the tub, David is a little freaked out at his brother. Jason kept telling them to hug and at first David wasn't having it but got soft to the idea. Michael obviously LOVES the camera !

Last night Michael decided to chuck this rock David is holding at Davids face and gave him a shiner! The little stinker!

Friday, August 14, 2009

What's Going on....

I just decided to post a few pictures of random things this past month.

My boys saying there morning prayers before heading off to school and Daddy to work.
(Michael insisted on wearing his church tie)

Michael heading off to the park with his inner tube water.. he just insisted again! Notice he is still wearing his seat belt, although I did manage to forget his helmet, he doesn't like wearing his helmet in the keeps him from licking the windows.;) (that's for you Nicole)

Michael LOVES holding and burping Bella...he is so good with her.

David also LOVES holding Bella, he is always asking to hold her. We just have to keep him from poking her eyeballs and sticking his fingers in her mouth....we all know where two year old fingers have been....YUCKY!

Bella sleeping while I am doing my homework. Thank GOODNESS Finals are over! I was taking her to class with me everyday and at times she had a hard time, in general though she did awesome!

We were out in the back yard and noticed a spider bite David in the face and buster in the lip...(I think Buster was trying to teach the spider a lesson for biting David) Anyway this was the outcome of Buster, notice on the right side is where he was's like twice the size of his other lip, and this photo doesn't do it justice! It was HUGE! We ended up giving him Benadryl because we were afraid his throat would close up. It worked like a charm...he was OUT! It reminds me of a story on my mission..instead of a spider bite a hornet flew in my mouth...wile I was riding my bike in a skirt.....oh the HORROR!!!!

Jason's mother Yvonne and step Father Buckley...just chilling on our swing in the front yard. I LOVE this picture! These are some good people!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hillarious!! Thanks Amy!

This is what it's like for siblings to get a new!

Click Here!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Perfect Example!

Okay so here is a perfect example of why it is so important to take time out each week and attend sacrament meeting.

Bella before sacrament meeting.......

Bella after Sacrament meeting.......

Nothing takes care of your sadness better than the good word of God!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Isabella Eve Burr!

Well I came into the hospital yesterday evening around 5:30. I wasn't sure if my water was leaking little by little or if I had really gone down hill and couldn't control any bladder functioning. When I came in they did some strip testing to see if it was amniotic fluid or just pee and sure enough it was amniotic fluid! They started me on the pitocin drip around 7:30 and shortly after (like 10 minutes) they gave me the epidural. They checked me at 9:30and was dilated to a 4, than checked me again at 10:45 and I was a 4 1/2. I was having contractions 1 to 3 minutes apart, of course not feeling a dang thing!

I LOVE YOU Dr. John Bonica who invented the epidural in the 1930's and administered it to his own wife who was in labor at the time. I'm sure she had somethig to do with it too!!! Just wanted to give y'all a SHOUT OUT!!!!

At around 11:15 I could really feel pressure down there and knew I was ready. I could have probably started pushing right then and there and had her on my own.....but decided to wait for the Doctor. 11:20 the Doctor came in to check me and with a surprised expression (being that only half hour ago I was a 4 1/2) she says you're all ready to go! They got me all situated and told me to push and to slow down when they said so that I didn't tear. The next contraction she said to push I pushed really hard for a couple of seconds and she said "Whoah don't push so hard push just a little." While I was telling her the sizes of my boys at birth (because she asked)I was still on my first little push and out she came! I thought NO WAY!!! That was so easy! That was it? Seriously I have had BM's harder than that! I didn't tear or anything!
Well...she is as cute as can be. They needed to put her on Oxygen for a few hours because her levels were low and they were wanting to take serious precautions because of the experience with her older brother David. She also has a huge bruise on her face from coming out so quickly, (or the tramp ;)...our little secret) but it will go away shortly.
She has a head of dark hair like I did when I was born, 8lbs 9 ounces and 18 1/2 inches long.

Proud Daddy!

Proud Mommy!


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Trying to go into LABOR!!

I went to the Doctor today and I am still progressing, I am dilated to a 4 and 80% effaced. She stripped my membranes and told me that I needed to go to the hospital for a stress test tomorrow. The babies heartbeat was staying at 118 and they like it to be in the 120 to 140 range. She also wants to induce me by Tuesday if the baby doesn't come before then. Unless of course when I do the stress test and something is wrong then they will induce me tomorrow.

Well...........I decided to help the process a little more to see if I can possibly start on my own....hence the pictures below......

YES!!!!! I can still do a back flip!!!!! Wahoooo!

I was looking at the pictures afterward and said to Jason "I don't remember bouncing on my knees?" He just looked at me until I figured out that I wasn't bouncing on my knees. It was just my big fat body sinking all the way into the tramp so far that it LOOKED like I was jumping on my knees!! Oh that made me feel soooo good!! Good enough to go eat TWO Klondike bars!!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Baby Shower and My Update!

Yesterday my neighbor threw me a baby shower it was so cute to see all the little girl things. I have been in denial all this time but the shower helped me to snap a little into reality and get excited about my baby girl coming! I have just been so overwhelmed with everything going on around me I hadn't had time to get excited. I already put away the cute clothes and dresses that were given to me...and I am WAY too lazy to pull them out again and take a picture. Just imagine cute little girl clothes and you've got it. After the shower my mom (who came up for it...bless her heart) took me out to get something special for the baby. We looked and looked and came across this baby swing, my mom was saying "This is it!" "This is it!" It is like the total Cadillac of swings, I'm pretty sure that it will cook you breakfast in the mornings if you ask it to. It vibrates, swaddles, mimics womb sounds, has a MP3 player hook up so you can download music and play it through the speakers. It also can come off and be used as a ground rocker.You can put any Graco car seat onto the frame (just in case you didn't want to take your baby out of the car seat when you get home)and it swings it just like a swing.

Anyway here is a picture of it.

.....and no that is not my baby! She is still cooking!

On another note..... I went to the doctor on Friday and I was 80% Effaced and Dilated to a it could be another week or anytime. Here is a picture of me after church posing by a tree in front of our house...looking all happy!

Here is a Candid picture of how I really feel!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Michael's NEW Talent!!

Jason’s side of the family has a “Family Home Evening” one Sunday every month with all of the family that lives around us and some that live far away. Tonight was one of those Sundays that we meet for this special occasion. What we do is sing songs like “The itsy bitsy spider”, “Patty Cake” and “Up up in the sky” mainly children’s songs and then a hymn and prayer. After the prayer we go around to everyone with any announcements and talents that they may have. Michael kept asking to speak, but we had to keep telling him that it wasn’t his turn quite yet and that we would let him know when it was. Finally after waiting which seems like forever it was Michaels turn to speak. He looks up at me with a HUGE smile and wasn’t saying anything. I told him that he had waited this long he had better say something, so he starts out with some hand movements and some kind of gibberish. Then he goes into something about David and how he was being naughty and he says “No David! He no listen! You no listen you get spanken! David NO!” Then he puts his hand up like he is holding something and taking his other hand to act like he is spanking David over and over while saying” I spank you! I spank you bad David!” I couldn’t believe THAT was the talent of my firstborn and that we had waited so long for him to tell….what a proud moment for me and any mother for that matter! Poor poor David…….